Mashed potatoes is one of my favourite foods in the world - when I was a child it was my absolute favourite, especially with a sunny side-up egg with a runny yolk on top. But now I am a responsible adult and sometimes - but only sometimes - I want my mashed potatoes to have a higher nutritional value, which is when I add a lot of carrots and whatever other root veggies I have in the house.
- 4 potatoes
- 2 parsnips
- 2 carrots
- a bit of butter
- salt & pepper
Quantities and root veggies can be adapted depending of what's in the fridge.
Peel, wash, chop veggies.
Put in a pot with cold water and salt, bring to boil, simmer until veggies are tender. If the parsnips get done faster just fish them out (they float anyway so it won't be hard).
Mash the veggies with a potato masher. Add a bit of butter and adjust the seasoning. Mash them as much as you want it. Usually I make mine somewhat clumpy.
I especially like the root veggie mash with heartier dishes like coq au vin.